Pinkie's 2nd birthday was on June 25th. We are having a Paris Hiltonesque multi-birthday party.
Party #1 was in Vicksburg at Mimi's house. In attendance were Mimi, Mimi's boyfriend Gene, Aunt Alice, Uncle Robby, Jack, Bug, Daddy, and Momma. Pinkie had a great time and got some crazy gifts. (but that's for another post, with PICTURES)
Party #2 was at Roy and Merle's house. In attendance were Roy, Merle, Daddy, Momma, and Bug. Pinkie got an awesome shopping cart filled with shopping items. She has been rolling it around the kitchen saying "I go to work, Momma...Byyyeee!"
Party #3 will be at Nana and Pop's house!
Two more little tidbits and then on to the vocabulary.
Pinkie has really taken a shine to her dolls lately. She loves her little huggems and all her other little baby dolls. So, last night we got them all out to play with. There's a cute little black puppy that's in his own carrier. Pinkie fell in love with the puppy. She toted him around, then put him in her baby crib that Gene made for her (pictures of that to come soon). So Captain asked her, "What are you going to name your puppy?" The response: "ummmm, Alice!" (Read above for attendees to birthday #1). Aunt Alice is crazy over animals, and I think she'd love that Pinkie named her puppy after her!!
Also, Bug has been focused on how "BIG" he's been growing. Every morning for about two weeks now he will ask me "momma, do you want to see how big I've grown?" So, I'll put my hand on the top of his head and say "woah, you are this tall! You are growing up so fast!!" He had a long discussion with Nana on the phone about how big he's grown. She asked him if he was going to ride the gator when he came to her house and he said "I'm too big for the gator". He's also been making the funniest expressions when he talks! His face is like "duh, momma didn't you already know that?" If I can catch that on video I am so posting it! He's also been saying "what tha heck?!" a lot.
On to vocabulary:
I pitty momma! Translation: I'm pretty, momma
Yew hole me? Translation: You hold me?
Ont beffas bar. Translation: Want breakfast bar.
Amen Jesus She says this after we say night prayers
OkAAAY She says this after I tell her to do something. Then she doesn't do what I asked her to do.
I dew it Isaayulf Translation: I do it myself
yew dew it Translation: You do it
I open dee doar Translation: I open the door
I hurt da floor She said this yesterday when she fell on her face
Kiss it Anytime she hurts herself
Goway Translation: Go away (what she says on the potty)
I poo poo/tee tee in da poddy
Songs of the moment: Jesus loves me, Itsy bitsy spider, ABC's, Oh Victory in Jesus, Twinkle Twinkle, The Barney song (only she sings "I love you, I love Merrrr (Merle)"
Now for the words: Momma, Daddy, Weeeuuull (Will), Nana, Pop, Joe, Taycee (Tracey), Russs (Rush), Dottie, Mimi, Alice, Jack, Outside, Eat, No, Yes, Jesus, Car, Baby, Pitty (Pretty), Makeup, Roy, Merrrrr (Merle), Gamps (Gramps), PawPaw, Gaddis (Gladys, Gramp's Dog), Store, Wadder (water), Baff (bath), Cheese, Ice wadder, meeyuulk (milk), cookie, pink, open, close it, heeaaar (here), face, nose, eyes, mouf (mouth), neck, ears, hair, foot, tummy, layugs (legs), boo boo, pivate (private), poo poo, potty,
Man, I bet there's thousands more phrases and words she says. She can say pretty much anything. She sings all the time; little made up songs with no words. She has the BEST laugh ever, and gets so much joy from playing with Bug. Yes, they fight; but not as much as they get along. And that is all a momma can ask for.